Hello {firstname},

This is your weekly update from your Students' Union covering the activities and events we're running in the next few weeks and mentioning other important news we think you should know about.

Best wishes,
Students' Union.


This section will be a short paragraph mentioning the big things this week. It might a bit longer. Or maybe a bit longer again. Whatever it needs to make it look ok in this space.

Eventname Mon 13 March, 18:00, Underground Bar
This is where the text for the event goes in nicer words.

Eventname Mon 13 March, 18:00, Underground Bar
This is where the text for the event goes in nicer words.

Eventname Mon 13 March, 18:00, Underground Bar
This is where the text for the event goes in nicer words.

You can find out more about all our events on our website.


University of East London Students' Union
North Building, 4-6 University Way, London, E16 2RD

Charity number: 1173994. Company number: 10820498
© UEL Students' Union 2023. All rights reserved.